The PCC has launched a survey that asks residents in Avon and Somerset to state if they agree or disagree with his proposal to increase the policing part of the council tax – known as the precept - by fifteen pounds a year for the average band D household.

To complete the survey, visit: The survey will run until 30th January 2023. The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner is also distributing 15,000 postal surveys to local residents across Avon and Somerset.

Local policing is funded by a combination of the precept, Home Office and other grants, with the precept accounting for forty one per cent of police funding.

The PCC is responsible for setting the amount of money residents contribute to local policing through the precept. The Government determines the maximum amount by which PCCs can increase the precept each year.

For next year, the Government has told PCCs they can increase the precept by fifteenpounds for a band D household (equivalent to six per cent). The Government assume that PCCs will ask for the maximum allowed and use this assumption in their budget setting.

Even with the maximum precept increase, the funding will not be enough to meet projected costs. As a result, Avon and Somerset Police will face a £3.2million deficit in the year 2023 - 2024 and £7.4million deficit in 2024 - 2025.