Kilmersdon Gardeners next meeting is on Wednesday, 13th September in the Village Hall, BA3 5TD from 7.15pm.

This months speaker is Carl Sadler who will be talking about a topical subject for using in the garden, trugs.

Carl, is one of only four trug makers in the country, he is not only a trug maker but a coppicer and green woodsman. He is striving to keep traditional crafts alive, is very humorous and has a tale or two to share.

His company, Woodman’s World, also makes bessoms, hurdles and fencing and many of his products have been commissioned for use on various film sets.

New members and visitors warmly welcome.

Raffle and Refreshments on offer.

Find out more about the talk, and what the group does, here:; Facebook: Kilmersdon Gardeners

Judith Standford