The cost of living crisis is beginning to bite in this area and more and more people are coming to the Somer Valley Foodbank for emergency food supplies. 

The numbers visiting the foodbank are now back to those of during the covid pandemic! It doesn’t take much to fall into a financial crisis, even people in employment are beginning to need help to meet rising costs. 

We have seen demand steadily rising and this month alone there has been a rise of four hundred people coming to the foodbank.

This has meant that we are giving out more food than we are collecting in. 

In April we collected 1500kgs but gave out 1959kgs and in May it was 2016kgs in and 2152kgs out. Whilst donations are still coming in, we need more and more. To this end we are holding a one day collection in Tesco on 17th June when we hope to replenish our stock levels. 

If you can help by donating on that day we would be very grateful. We know that times are hard for everyone but if you can possibly spare a little, for those in dire need, it would be very much appreciated by us and especially by them.

The food items we are in short supply of are:

  • Milk (UHT), 
  • Fruit juice, 
  • Corned Beef (tinned), 
  • Macaroni Cheese, 
  • Sponge Puddings, 
  • Fruit (tinned), 
  • Ketchup 
  • Brown Sauce
  • The non-food items we are collecting are: 
  • Toilet rolls, 
  • Shower gel, 
  • Children's tooth brushes, 
  • Adult toothpaste, 
  • Household cleaner, 
  • Washing up liquid, 
  • Hair conditioner & Shampoo, 
  • Deodorant for ladies
  • Razors & shaving foam, 
  • Toilet cleaner, 
  • Antibac spray / wipes, 
  • Dog and Cat food

If you cannot make it to Tesco, then donations can be made at Sainbury’s and the One Stop Shop, plus all Churches on a Sunday morning, just before or after a service; The Hive, Peasedown, weekdays (through main doors, by the door to the Post Office), The Salvation Army Hall, Midsomer Norton, Mondays 10 – 11am and St Nicholas Church Centre Radstock, weekdays 9 – 3pm in the foyer. 

We are very thankful for the support of the local community, without which we would not be able to help people in crisis. 

The donated items all go to local people in a five mile radius of Midsomer Norton and are distributed from our centres in Midsomer Norton, Radstock, Paulton and Peasedown.

For further information contact the foodbank on 07729523986 or email [email protected]

Paul Woodward