This week, the Norton Radstock Photographic Society members laid bare their recent experiments in the use of Intentional Camera Movement (ICM), in attempts to create somewhat abstract images following a talk on the subject by Rose Atkinson earlier in the season, and attendance at a number of her walks in Wells for additional support and encouragement.

We also welcomed an old friend, and potential new member, in Dave Bathard. We are hoping to see him in person at the club next week for an evening hosted by Suzanne Ladd, illustrating her eye for detail that the rest of us miss.

Intentional Camera Movement is a camera technique that seeks to turn a straight image into an exercise in shape, form and composition by using a slowish shutter speed combined with any number of jiggles, rotations and zooms in the camera. It is great fun, and very educational, and when you throw in a bit of multiple exposure the results can be intriguing.

People on the streets of Wells near the moat and in the cathedral featured heavily as that is where Rose bases her instructional walks. Subjects ranged from the scissor arch, stained glass windows and well-worn stairs of the cathedral, to shadowy figures on walks around the moat, and along streets and alleyways lit by Christmas lights. Additional practice was evident at local events and venues, including walks through woodland at The Newt, the toil up Glastonbury Tor, fishing spots at local coastal areas and, of course, at the recent Half Marathon in Bath. The latter provided ample opportunity for some to focus on the feet and faces that long-time member Bill Collett has always found fascinating.

In all there were more than one hundred and forty images submitted by individuals who commented on their own work, expressed their personal preferences and gave details of successes and failures in the genre. All were ready and willing to invite questions and critique, in what is always a friendly and encouraging arena of peers in our club.

The evening was very enjoyable and gave the Norton Radstock Photographic Society a platform from which to experiment further before submitting entries next season in a competition dedicated to Intentional Camera Movement that we have invited Rose Atkinson to judge for us.

NRPS meet every week on a Thursday and welcome photographers of all levels of experience and interest.

Jenny Short