St Peter's Parish Church, Westfield: Late January and Christmas, with its lights, carols and gifts, seems a distant memory now. At St Peter’s we still have one gift to give though. That’s the all year round gift of warmth and friendship.

On Saturday, 27th January our doors opened to all comers, between 12pm and 2pm, for what we advertised as “soup and a roll”. Thanks to the hard work of our volunteers, the advertised fare did not do justice to the homemade soup, cream, cheese, croutons and fresh rolls that was on offer. It was actually perfect soup weather outside, cold and dry. There was an excellent turn out and our Church was filled with chatter and fellowship; which, whether you were a Church goer or not, is just what God wants in his house – for it to be filled with friendship.

Our next event will be a coffee morning with bacon butties, on Saturday, 17th February between 10am and 12pm. The weather forecasters are talking about cold and snow for February. So why not come and see us on the 17th as at least we are right on your doorstep. Find out why your Parish Church is for everyone in the area.

On the 23rd March we have a Rabbit Drive but more about that nearer the time. All I can tell you is, as they put on film credits, no animals will be harmed during this event.

Mike Davies