Businesses, organisations and community groups in Peasedown St John are being asked to ‘make a pledge for dementia’ – as part of a campaign to mark World Alzheimer’s Month this September.

Since its launch in 2019, the Dementia Friendly Peasedown initiative has attracted support from across the community.

More than 200 residents have taken part in a dementia awareness workshop organised by the project.

Leading the call are the village’s local councillors, Cllr Gavin Heathcote and Cllr Karen Walker (Independents), who said: “With dementia on the rise, local organisations need to do more to ensure their premises, community centre or church is dementia-friendly, and their staff and volunteers know how to support someone living with dementia."

"Around 200 people have now attended dementia awareness workshops in Peasedown, and we’re keen for that number to rise over the next 12 months.”

Dementia Friendly Peasedown is run by local charity, the Peasedown Community Trust.

The campaign encourages business and community groups to sign up to a number of actions, as part of their pledge. These can include:

  • Introducing measures and signage to ensure their business, office space or community centre is dementia-friendly
  • Organising events, such as singing activities and Memory Cafes
  • Inviting the Dementia Friendly Peasedown team to run a dementia awareness workshop for their staff and volunteers, organised by the Trust.

Groups that sign up to the pledge will receive a ‘Dementia Friendly Peasedown’ badge to display on their premises, website and social media platforms.

“There are currently no ‘dementia-friendly’ communities across Bath & North East Somerset,” added Gavin and Karen, “With all the work being done here in Peasedown, our village could be the first in the district to achieve the accolade. This would be huge for Peasedown, and so any businesses that join the initiative would really be making a difference.”

For more details, contact the Peasedown Community Trust by emailing [email protected]

Dementia - get to know the facts

  • There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, with numbers set to rise to over 1 million by 2025. This will soar to 2 million by 2051.
  • 225,000 will develop dementia this year, that’s one every three minutes.
  • 1 in 6 people over the age of 80 have dementia.
  • 70 per cent of people in care homes have dementia or severe memory problems.
  • There are over 40,000 people under 65 with dementia in the UK.
  • More than 25,000 people from black, Asian and minority ethnic groups in the UK are affected.