Last week the mini police cadets of Peasedown St John Primary School spent the day at The American Museum in Bath.

As mini police, it is important that the cadets take time to serve the community and a bit of rain was not going to stop them helping out in the gardens and grounds of the museum.

Children took turns shovelling, carrying and laying bark to create a new pathway through the woodlands while another group of cadets gathered fallen twigs and branches to build a large bug hotel. It might have been wet, but cadets commented that they were having the best time ever while helping the gardeners with their tasks.

After a picnic lunch, the cadets were treated to a tour of the museum where they learnt more about the history of America from native groups and their headdresses, to more recent road trips across the country. A lot of fun was had dressing up for the photo booth.

Head teacher, Ruth Noall, thanked the American Museum staff for their warm welcome. She said: “It is really important that our cadets have the opportunity to learn about others and to help in our community. Thank you for providing such an enjoyable experience for our mini-police.”