Our Audio-Visual Group meets regularly at Paulton Rovers to hone their skills and share ideas for presentations accompanied by music of their choice. 

Once a year they host an evening at NRPS to show us just what they have been up to. Last Thursday was one such evening, and members were treated to a wide variety of stills and videos accompanied by music focussing on a very wide range of AV enthusiasts’ interests.

Bill is very skilled in the use of technology for various effects and we enjoyed his “Splashes” with vibrant colours and interesting shapes, that I for one, think are the best I have seen. Equally his “Black and White” was thought provoking if a little sinister, whilst his trip to the Waterways Museum reflected his enduring love of engineering.

Jill gave us impressive images of Dartmouth Steam trains and the ancient arts of ploughing with a horse, as well as hedge laying and drystone walling, whilst Jane gently reminded us of favourite people and places, and Janice transported us to the tin mines and beaches in Cornwall. From here we also had a rousing sea shanty of a presentation on Sailors through the ages, and the spectacular Festival of Light at Longleat in the Christmas holidays.

Suzanne, as ever, explored the abstract through lines and angles, shoes and ferry, bridges and crossings that caught her eye, whilst Geoff indulged in period costume at Glastonbury Abbey and explored the antics of the Sealed Knot. Rex, meanwhile took us on a journey through time with a huge collection of authentic newspapers with iconic, often shocking, headlines and images apparently stored beneath his bed since time immemorial!

Diana was out and about in some interesting places again, and very knowledgeable about the Crofton Pumping Station, that is probably now on all our lists of places to go. She had some poignant reminders also, of members at Cranmore last year, for the 40’s celebrations, and of all the other attractions that take us back there annually.

We like a bit of variety, and this evening certainly gave us that! 

We look forward to Jill Toman’s evening next week , and are really pleased to hear that Suzanne’s plans for outings in June are well under way.                     

Jenny Short