SOMERSET could soon have a new lake, specifically built for kayaking and water sports activities, in the Mendips.

Mendip Activity Centre wants to build the lake in a field on top of Mendip hill, east of its basecamp campsite for non-motorised water sports.

The outdoor centre currently offers water sports activities at a lake in Hewish, near the M5, but warned having a remote site had cause challenges around accessibility and water quality.

A statement submitted with the application said: “Creating a new lake enables Mendip Activity Centre to provide a wider range of activities encouraging active living and engaging more people in water sports and blue health.

“The location of the lake has been carefully considered to work with the existing landscape, with new native planting and wetland areas in and around the lake to soften the edges and set the lake within its surroundings.”

The centre submitted an initial planning application to North Somerset Council in January, but has now submitted an application to determine if it needs an environmental impact assessment.

Both remain yet to be determined.

People can view and comment on the main planning application submitted in January here: