Labour and Co-operative Councillors for Radstock, Chris Dando and Lesley Mansell, say thanks to residents for voting in the local elections on the 4th May

Following the recent B&NES election, we want to offer a huge thanks to all the Radstock residents who voted Labour and Co-operative.

Both Chris Dando and I were elected as a result and can therefore start to promote Radstock within B&NES and beyond to bring investment and services to our community.

Having two Councillors from the same party once again means we will hopefully have twice the impact, especially as Labour now becomes the official opposition to the new administration.

As we said in our acceptance speeches at the end of the count, we will be a constructive opposition seeking to hold them to account and bring new ideas to the table.

We have already set out some areas that need immediate attention:

Restoring the number 82 bus and other supported services.

To put the roads back in the same place after they dig them up, and to repair the broken pavements that are a hazard to wheelchairs users and strollers.

To restore funding to Youth and Children’s services.

We will keep you updated.

Meanwhile we look forward to working at B&NES on behalf of all Radstock residents.

Chris Dando and Lesley Mansell; Labour and Co-operative Councillors for Radstock, Bath and North East Somerset Council