We all at St Peter’s, Westfield, hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Christmas is a time when all our Churches fill with light, hope, and people and this year was no exception. Faith was in evidence all around us as we filled with children for Christingle, families for carols and, as always, a good turnout for Midnight Communion on Christmas Eve. We rejoice that the original message of Christ’s birth still shines through the shopping and tinsel.

Soon we will have celebrated Epiphany and the visit of the Magi, or three wise men as many of us know them, to the infant Jesus. We then go into Ordinary Time until we reach the Easter Season. But we hope nothing is ordinary about worshiping and socialising with us at any time of the year.

January is a cold, dark (wet at the moment) month, in which nothing much seems to be happening. It’s still winter and the sun and holidays will feel a lifetime away. However, we hope you can join your Church family here at St Peters for a little light, warmth and company. On Saturday, 27th January 2024 come along to our Church Hall at 2pm when we will be serving up warm soup and roll, together with some lively chat. Spend a few convivial hours with your friends and strangers (who might just become your friends). Actually, there are no strangers – we are your Westfield family you might not have met yet.

Mike Davies