Tabor Methodist Church: Mrs Margaret West presided over the Service held on Bible Sunday when she told of the importance of the Bible in peoples’ lives and she brought along her family bible in which important events from her ancestry had been recorded.

A couple of Church members had been asked prior to the Service for passages which meant something special to them and she included these examples in her talk.

The sound system, again, decided to “join in” with the Service with a tapping noise, we almost expected a little voice to start shouting “let me out!” After a bit of knob twiddling and switch flicking, the tapping stopped and the Service went forward relatively peacefully.

We hope many people will attend our Bazaar on 18th November when Christmas decorations will be on sale. There may even be a bargain around to go in someone’s Christmas stocking.

There will be no Service at Tabor on 12th November as we will be joining in with the Village Remembrance Service at St Mary’s.

The Tabor Ringers are beginning their busy season starting with entertaining at Westfield Trinity later in the week.

Dianne Carter