Tabor would like to thank everyone who attended and helped at this month’s coffee/craft morning. This was a great success with many families attending as it was half-term.

There was a pleasant atmosphere with adults and children doing crafts and enjoying tea/coffee/cakes. The children also played some games and, Willow, whose birthday it happened to be, was surprised with a card and bubbles from the Church and a rendition of Happy Birthday.

Mrs Margaret Richards demonstrated some Christmas crafts and such items can be purchased at Tabor’s Autumn Bazaar on Saturday, 18th November.

Tuesday, 21st November and Tuesday, 12th December, starting at 10.30am, will see these monthly craft/coffee mornings being held again and, by special request from this recent one, it is hoped to hold another during the Christmas holidays. Although these events are free there are items to purchase; a bring and buy, plus a raffle if anyone wishes to do so, no obligation, and £140 was raised for Church funds.

As Tabor hold fortnightly Services the next one will be on 12th November when they will join with the Village Remembrance Services.

Dianne Carter