On Monday 3 April, Norton Radstock u3a members gathered for their monthly speaker meeting which was held earlier than usual due to the Bank Holiday.

The Speaker was Wane Spilsbury who explained that “Modern Art” had its origins in history. Wayne, who was a lecturer in Modern Art, concentrated his talk on the early masters, Monet, Vincent Van Gough through to Picasso and Salvador Dali. This was a talk thoroughly enjoyed by members who may not have expected to be so entertained.

Reviewing the u3a talk season from January 2023 Margaret Burdon our Speaker Secretary must be warmly congratulated on the variety and skills of our speakers this quarter which have made speaker meetings so popular.

The u3a Annual General Meeting – Somer Centre 24 April.

The Norton Radstock u3a’s 2023 Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held during the coffee morning on 24 April. Refreshments will be available from 10.30am with the AGM commencing at 11am. The Chairman Colin Tincknell OBE has requested every member to make a serious effort to attend this AGM. Colin has explained to members that whilst the new year has brought about a significant improvement in the u3a fortunes there are many committee issues any other decisions which need to be made to ensure that progress is maintained and improved upon during the rest of the year in to 2024.

Colin M Tincknell OBE

Norton Radstock u3a Chairman