Norton Down: Our weekend commenced with a very successful concert from The Jenny Peplow Singers, who entertained us both out in the garden and later inside the Chapel as the winds picked up.

Our congregation were delighted with a wonderful afternoon of song. Tea and cakes were provided for the occasion by members and friends, we raised £370 for Chapel funds through the sale of such items; a big thank you to all who were involved. 

Sunday, our worship and communion service was led by Rev Alistair Bolt who preached on ‘I Believe’ with the Bible Reading taken from Genesis.

Wednesday is our coffee morning from 10.30am  to 11.30am  when all are welcome to join us, we are a friendly  crowd. 

Next Sunday, July 9th, our worship  will  be  led  by  Tony  Stevenson . As always, all are welcome to join us. Our Worship  commences  at  10.30am  when I can assure you  you will be welcomed by a smile, why not give us a try? 

Jean  Auckland