Timsbury Tabor Independent Methodist Church: Mrs Jean Auckland led the service at the beginning of August, her theme being ‘helping others’.

After the service the men of the Church, well-fortified with tea/coffee and biscuits and some of Lyn Lyes’s delicious bread pudding, moved furniture in readiness for the new flooring to be laid. This was completed in time for the service on 20th August and all members were extremely pleased with the result.

Mrs Margaret West led this Service and afterwards provided an excellent cooked lunch, during which a members’ meeting took place. Plans were made for events and services for the rest of this year and suggestions put forward for 2024. This year’s events will be published in the local media and online and everyone is welcome to attend.

There is a change of Preacher for 3rd September. Mr E Barge will lead a musical Service of well loved hymns.

Please come and join us, we would love to see you.

Dianne Carter