Trinity Church: Last Saturday our coffee morning supported the charity MSA (Multiple System Atrophy), a charity that is close to the hearts of members of our congregation. We were thrilled to raise three hundred pounds. Sunday morning worship was led by Mike Honey.

Saturday coffee from 10am. As well as the usual homemade cakes, bacon butties and hot dogs we will have a Christmas stall selling Charity cards, advent cards and candles, decorations and homemade Christmas puddings. So please pop in and start your Christmas shopping with us.

Next Sunday we will be joining the congregation at Paulton Methodist for morning worship which will be led by Pat Heynes. Our Church will be closed. Tuesday Knit and Natter from 2-4pm. Again, you will have the chance to browse our Christmas stall.

For more details about our Church life please contact [email protected].

Sue Tandy