Paulton Methodist Church: Our ‘Carols by Candlelight’ Service held on 14th December was well attended and it was good to see church friends who joined us from around the Circuit and also to welcome back our own minister Revd Christine Coram. 

Mr John Bowell led the service and several members of our church took part in the evening’s proceedings which ended with coffee and mince pies enjoyed by everyone! Thanks to all those who helped in any way to make this event so successful and to those who came along to support us. During the evening we launched our ‘Water Survival Box’ appeal for which donations were kindly received and the amount raised will be published next week.

There is a slight change to our morning service on 24th December at 10.30 am as this will now be taken by the Revd Philip Turner, Hospital Chaplain from the RUH in Bath. The Revd Christine Coram will lead our midnight service commencing at 11.30 pm which will include Holy Communion.

On behalf of Paulton Methodist Church, we would like to wish you all a very Happy and Blessed Christmas and a peaceful New Year.       Hazel Bowell