Winford Community Orchard Action Group are trying to purchase 1.58 acres of land opposite the junction of Chew Lane and Regil Lane on the B3130 in Winford and turn it into a community orchard.

The land, which is for sale by informal tender at Killens on 4th August, is listed at a guideline price of seventy five thousand pounds.

The Winford Community Orchard Action Group have taken the unusual step of putting up a sign on a member’s wall opposite the field suggesting other potential purchasers contact them.

Their Chairman Simon Martin explains:

“As agricultural land is around eight thousand pounds per acre, the dangerous access to the field directly onto the busy B3130 and a potentially expensive to maintain low level stone boundary walls and metal fence on the road elevation that was particularly mentioned by the North Somerset Conservation and Heritage Officer in the recent withdrawn planning application we therefore suspect a farmer or equestrian user may not be interested.”

“Given the vendors guideline we believe someone taking a gamble on developing the land is the most likely type of bidder. One of our members made a Freedom Of Information request to North Somerset Council and from it we know the nine reasons the Council would have refused the recent planning application if it had not been withdrawn by the vendor. We believe this FOI will not show up on any legal searches on the land and are therefore happy to share it with anyone who is interested.”

“The last planning application, which was withdrawn in April, was very controversial and many villagers are still upset about it, and I suspect any attempt to try and build on the land will be vigorously contested.”

For more information on Winford Community Orchard Action Group, visit their Facebook page, go to their Crowdfunding site or contact Chairman Simon Martin via email: [email protected]