A much anticipated men’s indoor singles final was played on Saturday 28th January.

The match between sixteen year old Cameron Bowen and Tim Wilcox was scheduled for the end of the Purnell indoor 2021/22 season but had to be postponed due to Cameron breaking his arm playing football.

The wait was well worth it as the game lasting twenty nine ends, ending with victory 21-19 going to the young pretender, Cameron Bowen. A huge well done to both players for a fantastic display of skilful, precision bowling.

Not satisfied with his quality win in this match, Cameron went straight to Ilminster bowls club to play an evening game in the County under 18’s singles when he overcame a very strong opponent in Jamie Day to progress to the next round.

It is encouraging to see a young man who has come through the Purnell bowls young coaching scheme achieving so much.Maybe we will see Cameron at Potters’ one day. T Gardiner