Farrington Park Golf Club: After the rain came the frost, then the fog, closely followed by the freezing fog. Positively balmy next week! How much more can we take? Well, more of the same according to predictive weather reports.

With a delayed start to this weeks multiplier competition due to the heavy fog, it was decided that a shotgun start would ensure teams finishing more or less at the same time….sort of! In theory it sounded like a cunning plan, in practice however, not so cunning!

Twenty one teams of three ventured out hoping to at least complete the course. However, six teams decided early on it was not for them and it was pretty pointless continuing. Fingers numb, faces aglow they returned to the clubhouse for a hot beverage.

Results: 1st with 80 points: Dave Elliott, Roger Stone and Jerry Musselwhite. 2nd with 74 points: Steve Ball, Andy Smart and Steve Mirchell. 3rd with 68 points: Steve Park, Andy Roper and Paul Brown. 4th with 67 points: Ian Clement, Dave Millington and Jeff Kelly. 5th with also 67 points: Barry Hall, Alan Elkington and Steve Stark. 6th with 63 points: Laurence Barlow, Dave Teal and Kirk Bizley.     

Rob Thain