Saltford Parish Council is delighted to not only have a replacement red phone box in the village, but for it to be a beautiful flower display for those passing to enjoy.

This community project could not have been achieved without the generous contributions of two local businesses. Saltford Parish Council appreciates the donation of time and expertise by local business Mobius Group and its CEO Lee Bignell, who oversaw the delivery and installation of replacement phone box at no cost to the village.

The phone box has been filled with flowers as a gift to the Saltford community by Flourish at Glenavon Farm, following a generous offer on behalf of Flourish by Managing Director Paul Castle. It will have summer and winter flowers.

According to resident memory a red K6 phone box has stood on the corner of the A4 and Norman Road in Saltford for five decades or more. Saltford Parish Council adopted the original phone box from BT in 2019 after it was decommissioned due to lack of use.

Many residents were saddened when this iconic piece of Saltford’s ‘street furniture’ was destroyed in a Road Traffic Accident overnight in February 2022. Extensive damage occurred to the original phone box resulting in its complete removal from site. Until June 2023 barriers have stood in its place protecting the base.

Using insurance received, in December 2022 Saltford Parish Council was able to purchase a refurbished phone box – another ‘K6’ kiosk - as asset held by the Parish Council. An unglazed phone box was ordered to allow for the flowers following the proposal by Flourish. SPC was delighted to have the phone box installed by Mobius once it was ready to be delivered at the end of June.

Following its arrival, Flourish created hanging trays which were filled with flowers and installed in early August. A local resident has kindly offered to water the flowers when required.

Later this month the replacement phone box will be re-connected to the National Grid, once again with works overseen by Mobius. An electrical supply is required for a defibrillator, and SPC is in talks with a local business to purchase and maintain a defibrillator on the external side of the replacement phone box. Saltford Parish Council hopes to share more information about this soon.

Many positive comments about the replacement phone box have been received, and all those involved in the project hope that it is enjoyed by both residents and the many hundreds of people passing through Saltford each day on the A4 Bath Road. SPC again wishes to express its thanks to Mobius and Flourish for their generous support in achieving this project.