Councillor Liz Hardman, Paulton, told The Journal she will be requesting B&NES Planning Committee reject the plans to build seventy-two houses on the old Polestar Purnell Printworks.

Councillor Hardman said: "I fully understand there is a huge need for affordable homes in B&NES.

"However, in Paulton, we have had considerable numbers of houses built on the Old Purnells site without the infrastructure needed to support this extra 500 homes.

"We have been waiting for many years for a roundabout on the Hallatrow Road leading into the Purnells’ estate so that traffic can exit onto the Hallatrow Road safely.

"The roundabout would also offer a much needed facility to slow traffic down when entering Paulton on the very busy Hallatrow Road.

"The pre school community building, again much needed and planned many years ago would not be built.

"For all these reasons, I will be requesting at the B&NES Planning Committee next week that this development of seventy-two homes should be rejected."

See more about the plans here: