Westfield held its very own Christmas Market over the weekend, bringing stocking fillers and joy to local residents, all for a good cause.

The event was organised by Sophie Ryder, who has not only managed to spread the Christmas spirit to those who browsed the festive goods, but also to the wider community thanks to donations made to the Missing Link in Bristol - a charity that provides mental health support, as well as support for domestic abuse victims and victims of sexual abuse.

Fifteen stall holders were present at Westhill Sports and Social Club on Saturday, 4th November, providing a range of handmade gifts as well as food and drink. A raffle was also held on the day.

Stallholders all paid a fee to sell their wares on the day, proceeds of which were donated to the charity. All stall holders also donated a prize to the raffle and money raised from entries was used to purchase gifts and essential items to donate.

The event raised the much-needed sum of £190, which will go towards helping the victims supported by Missing Link.

Sophie spoke to The Journal and told her reasons for choosing the Missing Link as a beneficiary: “I was scrolling through social media one day and saw a post from someone who had been speaking a lady in her local park.”

“The pair were talking about Christmas, and the lady mentioned how this year it was hers and her sons’ first Christmas in their new home after spending last Christmas in a women’s refuge. She said her son woke up on Christmas morning and she had only one gift for him.”

“She was grateful for that gift, as it had been given to her by the refuge, but this year was going to make sure her house was as Christmassy as she could make it and make it a special Christmas for her son.”

“I read the post and knew that I wanted to do something to help our local refuge and to help support local small businesses at the same time.”

Though the event has now passed, Sophie is still accepting donations and gifts, and can arrange to collect these, ready to send off to the charity at the end of the month.

To get in touch with Sophie, message her through Facebook.