Radstock and Midsomer Norton Lions Club, following a three year break, are back with Easter eggs in local pubs and cafés to raise money for good causes.

The Club discovered that the giant eggs were no longer produced, sadly the business had gone under. Our District Governor Lesley Chudley advised us at our January general meeting that her Lions Club make up a hamper of eggs of various sizes instead and these had proved very popular for the pubs and cafés who support this activity.

Lion Margaret Burdon and new Lion Lyn Haile set to work on making up Easter egg hampers. Margaret’s daughter and grandchildren got involved helping to make them up as it took many hands to get them looking perfect. The Club feel that we are not over egging it to say that they have achieved the wow factor.

Thanks to Margaret, her daughter, grandchildren and Lyn for their hard work, the hampers have been distributed to the local pubs and cafés, who we would also like to thank, as they help us to raise impressive funds for the club through these annual activities. Sarah Oughton