Our worship on Easter Sunday morning at Paulton Methodist Church was led by the Revd David Musgrave and included Holy Communion.

Symbols during the period of Lent were placed each week at the foot of the wooden cross, which was once our Christmas tree, to remind us of Jesus’s triumphant ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and the agonising torture and events leading up to his crucifixion on Good Friday. On Easter Sunday the cross was transformed and adorned with beautiful posies of flowers as we proclaimed Jesus had indeed arisen from the dead!

On Saturday 13th April we will be screening the epic film ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ (PG rating) in our church, commencing at 2 pm. Refreshments will be on sale before and after the film. Entry is free but there will be a retiring collection in aid of our chosen charity ‘Water Survival Boxes’ if anyone would like to make a donation. All are welcome!

Worship on Sunday 14th April will be held in the afternoon at 2 pm and will be led by our own minister the Revd Christine Coram.

We look forward to welcoming you soon.

Hazel Bowell