On Friday 17th November, a man and woman from Bath, who have raised almost £600,000 to help families in memory of their son, received Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s daily Points of Light award.

Tom and Joanne are the 2195th and 2196th recipients of the Points of Light award, which was first launched in April 2014 to recognise outstanding individuals making positive change within their community and inspiring others.

Mr and Mrs Saunders’ son, Ben, was receiving treatment for cancer when he came up with the idea of supporting other young adults with cancer by providing family breaks away and in 2020, they founded the ‘Ben Saunders Foundation’ in his memory.

The Foundation has since expanded to also support younger children and bereaved parents across the UK. Bath MP Wera Hobhouse extended her warmest congratulations to the couple for their receipt of this prestigious award. She expressed how she was incredibly proud to have such an inspiring family within the Bath Community.

Wera Hobhouse, MP for Bath, commented: “Tom and Joanne Saunders’ work in setting up the ‘Ben Saunders Foundation’ in memory of their son, Ben, is truly inspirational.

“They have brought joy to many families at some of their darkest moments by providing over 300 breaks away to their retreat lodges. I am very proud to have people like Tom and Joanne in our community."

Tom and Joanne said: “Everything we do is in memory of our son and this has brought a tear to both of us.”