Radstock Town Council is pleased to launch its annual Community Grant Fund.

Grants of up to £1,000 are available to support charitable or voluntary organisations operating within the Radstock Town Council area.

Applicants are asked to demonstrate how a request for financial support meets local need.

This could be by providing a service, enhancing the quality of life, improving the environment or promoting the community in a positive way.

Community Engagement with a focus on culture, arts and heritage, and events is a central theme for the Town Council this year, therefore grants that show support of these themes would be most welcome.

Mayor, Councillor Chris Dando, said: “Community Grant Giving helps us to be a pro-active supporter of the community and community led services.

“The Council recognises the value of supporting those who contribute to the community and we look forward to receiving applications which support the Town Council’s focus on community engagement.”

The closing date for applications is Tuesday, 27th February 2024. In previous years the Council has made grants to a variety of organisations and groups.

To apply for a form, find out whether you are eligible or to ask any questions see the details on the Council website at: www.radstock-tc.gov.uk.

For further information on Radstock Town Councils Community Grants contact: - Radstock Town Council telephone: 01761 437962 Email: [email protected]