With Easter fast approaching, St Peter’s Church Westfield have several services and events planned, to which all are welcome:

Palm Sunday 2nd April: Family (FC) service 10.am children will be invited to make a crown, to bring to our coronation celebrations which will take place after the family service on Sunday 8th May.

Easter services are split across the waterside benefice as follows:

Ash Wednesday, 5th April is at St Nicholas Radstock

Maundy Thursday, 6th April: 7pm Communion is at St Peters Westfield

Good Friday, 7th April: 10.30am Quiet Meditative service St Nicholas Radstock, 11am Walk from Radstock Park to Westfield Methodists, 12 noon CTRW open air service at Westfield Methodist Church

Easter Sunday 9th April: 6.15am Sunrise service at St Peter’s (which will be followed by bacon rolls), 10.30am Communion St Peter’s Westfield.