Radstock and Westfield Big Local are pleased to report the success of their ninth Dragons’ Den style event on Friday, 21st April at the Whisty Hall, Radstock.

It was extremely well attended by representatives from thirteen local projects, who had ninety seconds to creatively present their ideas to the receptive audience. Our theme for this Dragons’ Den was GREEN, so project ideas were required to improve the environment or connect people with the great outdoors.

Robin Moss, from our Big Local, led the proceedings and kept the event on track with time, he also gave a special thanks to Somer Valley Rotary Club, for generously contributing £500 towards the grant pot.

Robin gave a Big Local update about the many projects we’ve been involved in and what we’re going to do over the next couple of years.

The three friendly dragons took it in turns to ask an encouraging question at the end of each pitch. Our brilliant dragons were Angela Emms, Philanthropy Manager at Quartet Community Foundation; Phil Edmonds, Treasurer of the Somer Valley Rotary Club; and Jenny Cowie, Funding Officer at TNL Community Fund.

Almost seventy votes were counted while some delicious cakes from the SWALLOW café were devoured.

The successful applicants were: Fosseway school – to create a more inclusive and safer playground.

SWALLOW charity – will purchase a carpentry bench to enable their group to develop their skills and create new items which they can go on to sell at local markets, our cafes and in their online shop.

Writhlington Action Group – want to increase the number of people able to take part in their litter picking sessions, and the money will help cover the cost of adult and junior sized litter pickers, as well as high vis reflective vests, warning markers, and rings to hold litter bags.

Radstock Park Run – who aim to set up a weekly parkrun taking place along the beautiful Greenway between Radstock and Midsomer Norton in order to provide support for the community’s health.

Trinity Church School – are going to create a bank of wild flower meadows and a space for planting pollinator friendly plants and trees.

Natural Theatre – will provide a series of free sessions run by their professional performers leading to a performance at the Radstock Festival. The theme of the first piece will be connected to future sustainable power sources.

Radstock In Bloom – are purchasing a solar power source for Southfields community garden, helping them to power moth traps for bio-research, power a projector for talks, and opens up more environment events and classes for the space.

Larch Court Allotments – can begin to create a safe walking surface for the current allotment users and visitors with mobility issues.

P.E.O.P.L.E – are going to create a safe and supported space where people who are lonely, or have mental health difficulties, can grow produce and benefit from the therapeutic nature of gardening.

Youth Connect South West – will purchase equipment and plants for their new gardening project, involving young people from the local area, helping them to learn new skills, and take pride in their work that will be on public display.

The Radstock and Westfield Big Local team would like to say a huge thank you to everyone that attended this very successful Dragons’ Den style event, as without you, it wouldn’t work! The event is resident led, resident supported and residents will lead and access the projects that won – that’s what Big Local is all abo-ut! Rob Wicke