Trinity Methodist Church: Our morning service last Sunday was led by Rev. Simon Topping. He spoke firstly about "A Justice Seeking Church".

This was followed by a reflection on the Feeding of the 5,000. We are very good as Methodist sharing fellowship together but we were reminded that it is God who provides our daily food.

Members of the Friday Club are travelling to Chew Valley for cream teas and are meeting in the Church car park at 2pm.

Saturday coffee from 10am. We are holding a raffle during the month of August raising funds for Macmillan. Please pop in and support this vital charity. At 6pm we are holding our popular Supper and Film evening.

Sunday morning worship at 10.30am. This will be a service of favourite hymns and readings led by the Stewards.

For more details about our Church life please contact [email protected]

Sue Tandy