Farrington Park Seniors are an easily pleased bunch, we don’t ask for a lot, just a simple request. Please stop raining! And just like that, or it could’ve been like that, our prayers were answered.

Seeing the devastation caused by the flooding we can count ourselves reasonably fortunate in Somerset. Bearing in mind that November and December were the wettest since records began then golf course closures for a few days are a small price to pay.

We are up and running once again and it’s like we have never been away. The members are happy, greenkeepers are happy and management must be over the moon!

Results of Stableford competition played from green tees:

Division One: Bob Baker 33, Dave Teal 32, Dave Brain 31, Gary Auld 31,

Division Two: Mel Field 36, Ian Lake 35, Barry Hall 35, Steve Cockle 31,

Division Three: Steve Stark 37, George Tyrrell 33, Rob Rogers 32, Geoff Clare 30.

Round of the day was had by Steve Stark who despite blobbing the first and last holes on the front nine managed to secure 37 points with the highlight of a birdie on the notoriously difficult 17th. I presume my payment is in the post!

Rob Thain