Sadly, the Lionesses were defeated in their attempt to win the World Cup for the first time. They can hold their heads up high to have reached the final and displayed levels of skill much admired by the whole country. However, it was not to be and Spain were worthy winners.

On a slightly less glamorous but equally entertaining level were the Seniors displaying their ‘unbelievable’ skills on the fairways at Farrington Park. A regular turnout of of seventy five competitors battled for the honours in this Bowmaker competition off the green tees.

The trio of Charles Bentley, Paul Cains and Ian Lake were three clear points of their nearest rivals with a winning score of ninety two points. Second spot went to Pete Ross, Phil Bryant and Steve Hobbs with the latter scoring forty one points playing off a handicap of eight. In third place on eighty seven points were Mike Mahoney, Alan Taylor and Geoff Cabral. Fourth were Martin Hares, Dave Harvey and David Brown also on eighty seven points. Martin Clark, Steve Banfield and Phil Toogood secured fifth with eighty six and Steve Park, Jeff Bruton and Dave Cross with eighty four points were just in the prizes.

There was only one player with a ‘two’ and that was Mike Hedges. Beers all round then Mike!

Rob Thain