One hundred and seven men competed in the RAFA Trophy event at Mendip. Division 3 was won by John Shakesby with a net score of sixty seven, with Hugh Glandfield second with sixty eight after countback from Greg Wood. 

Division 2 went to Ken Langridge with sixty nine after countback from Leigh Harvey and Nigel Cheshire. Division 1 was won by Dean Lewer with seventy, with Lee Britten second with seventy one and James Baughan was third with seventy two. Ben Cox won the gross award with a gross sixty nine. However, the trophy winner was Trevor Messenger with a net sixty seven.

Mendip had a fine win away to Saltford 3-2 in the quarter finals of the Somerset Bowl, with wins coming from Dan Allen/Spencer Pocock, Ryan Sainsbury/Dani Annable Manzaneda and Phil Leadbeater/Martin Myers.

Forty ladies played in a Bowmaker which saw a win for Caroline Laws/Elaine Richardson/Chris Williams/Daphne Irons with ninety two points. In second place came Gina Howard/Allison Rumming/Elaine P Richardson/Maggie Brain with eighty eight with Sue Alcock/Chris Olds/Anne Collins/Eileen Masters third with eighty six after countback. The Ladies ICL Team recorded their first win of the season with a 5½-1½ win over Mendip Spring. Wins from Lynn Cox, Anita Butcher, Louise Scott, Ali Kay and Anne Collins with Ann Padley gaining a half.

The Somerset Girls County Championships were held at Worlebury on a sunny day but with a strong wind blowing off the sea, combined with a very dry course made conditions very tricky indeed for the girls. However a fine sixty four points over the thirty six holes saw Mendip’s young Connie Cox win the Stableford Trophy event and Ffion Richardson come fifth in the Gross event. Connie has worked so hard this year on her game and is now playing off 8.7.

The Seniors Invitation Day saw their best ever entry with forty pairs competing. Chris Betenson and his partner from Wells put together a fine forty six points to win the event, with John Ellis and his partner from Yelverton second with forty three and Henry Banks and his partner from West Wilts third with forty two. 

The Seniors had a halved match when visiting Long Ashton with wins for Andy Frampton/Malcolm Osborne, Tony Scott/Charles Roberts, John Ellis/Rob Richardson and with halves from Paul Godwin/Robert Miller and Steve Regler/David Pilbeam. 

However, when visiting Cumberwell they went down to a close defeat 3-4, wins this time coming from Tony Taylor/Henry Banks, Robert Miller/Rob Richardson and Tony Scott/John Cross.

Mendip’s Mixed Team enjoyed a halved match against Wells with wins from Pippa Brown/Clive Copp, Pauline and Alan Williams and from a new pairing of Louise Scott and Paul Collas who had a resounding win. Allison and Peter Rumming gained the all important half.

Tony Williams