Senior Captain Steve Ball, ably assisted by his wife Jane, Pauline Brixey, Jane Richardson, Sue Forshaw and Margaret Seery, presented a fun filled morning for his Senior Captains Day. All proceeds from the homemade baked cakes, provided by his trusty helpers, are going to the Motor Neurone Disease Charity.

The golf course was set up in a traffic light sequence with all players starting on the red tee, then the yellow and finally the green.

However, just because it was the red tee did not necessarily mean that the tee was forward of the other tees. Not a chance! Those sneaky greenkeepers made sure it was not going to be that easy!

On the 10th hole the flag was only about nine inches high! On the 13th there was no flag at all and when we eventually discovered where the hole was, it was surrounded by a multitude of tee pegs!

The raffle raised almost one thousand pounds and all prize monies also went to the charity. Steve commented that this was a tremendous effort from the Senior Section and passed on his thanks to everyone who helped raise this fantastic amount of money.

First in the competition were Laurence Barlow, Andy Baird and Brian Brown with one hundred and thirty four points.

Second were Rob Rogers, Colin Hawkins and Bob Baker with one hundred and thirty three

Third came Barry Hall, Andy Smart and Steve Symonds with one hundred and thirty one.

Nearest the pin on 8th hole was Graham Jeffrey; 15th was Rob Rogers; in two shots on 4th was Phil Thompson and in two on 12th, Steve Cockle.

Winner of the Captains Drive In on the 14th hole was Mark Howell, who correctly predicted that Steve would ‘duff’ his tee shot and end up forty yards left of the tee! Some inside knowledge I suspect!

Rob Thain