Tabor Independent Methodist Church: Mrs Rosanna Blewitt was welcomed as preacher for our latest Service, and, despite a couple of loud bangs from the sound system, (which almost gave everyone a heart attack), she carried on bravely. This was finally resolved as a loose lead.

Another coffee/craft morning is being held today, Tuesday, 24th October 10.30am.

With half term being upon us, why not bring the children along. This is a free event in which the adults can learn a craft if they wish, and the children will have their own activities.

This free event will now become a monthly activity. Put the dates in your diary - Tuesday, 21st November and Tuesday, 12th December starting at 10.30am.

The next Service will be held at 11am on 29th October with Mrs M West presiding; this will include Holy Communion. All are welcome to attend.

Dianne Carter