Trinity Methodist: What a wonderful weekend. On Saturday, we held our Annual Breast Cancer fundraiser. 

This year because of the cost of energy we priorly decided that a small part of the total would be going to Church funds. Serving cream teas, takeaway or eat in, a grand sum of £1120 was raised. 

Sunday morning worship was led by Rev. Martin. His reflection was “The Lord will provide” using extracts from the last part of walking the Comino, putting our trust in people and giving and receiving acts of kindness. It is through one of these acts from our circuit that we have a new kitchen. Our ladies are absolutely thrilled! 

The week continues with the ladies Knit and Natter at 2pm. Saturday coffee, back to normal at 10am, bacon butties will be on the menu if we can turn on the new cooker! 

Sunday morning worship will be led by Mike Honey. For more details about our Church life please contact [email protected]

Sue Tandy